Bombit Up App Information

Bombitup is the most popular SMS bomber where you can prank your friends all the time for free! Prank your friends on email, sms and phone calls with Bombitup.

How to install BombItUp APK on your Android device:

  1. Download the BombItUp APK from our website or any trusted source.
  2. Open the File Manager or Downloads folder and locate the downloaded APK file.
  3. Tap on the BombItUp APK file to start the installation process.
  4. Click on “Allow” to begin installation of an unknown app on your device.
  5. Once installed, tap Open or go to your home screen to find and open the app and enjoy.

How to install BombItUp APK on your PC:

Installing the application on PC is a straightforward process. You will need to install an android emulator like bluestacks or Noxplayer your PC. 

Follow these simple steps to install Bombitup on your PC:

  1. An emulator like Bluestacks or NoxPlayer is mandatory to install Bombit on your PC. 
  2. Visit a trusted source and download the BombItUp APK file to your PC.
  3. Open the Android emulator you installed on your PC.
  4. Find the application file you downloaded and drag it into the emulator window.
  5. The emulator will prompt you to install the APK. Click Install to proceed.
  6. Wait for the installation to complete within the emulator.
  7. After installation, open the app from the emulator.
  8. You can now use BombItUp on your PC just like on a mobile device.